Do citronella tiki torches really work to get rid of mosquitoes?

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Outdoor Misting System Versus Torches

Although citronella tiki torches are popular for keeping pesky mosquitoes away, an outdoor misting system is far superior to any citronella option. They’re adorable and definitely set the mood, but they simply don’t do enough to get rid of mosquitoes.

Why are mosquitoes so annoying?

In coastal cities, the hot climate and humidity are the perfect environment for mosquitoes to thrive. Applying a repellent (like deet-based sprays) isn’t always practical, and many products cause irritation with prolonged use. If you spend any amount of time outside, you’ll surely be left with unsightly bites that are swollen, red and itchy. Then, you have to slather on anti-itch ointments that barely work and spend the next few days nursing your bite until it fades away. That just doesn’t sound very fun at all!

What do tiki torches do?

In short, all they do is look pretty. We get it – they look REALLY pretty lined along the pool and totally pass the vibe check. As far as mosquito control – don’t count on it.

The claim that tiki torches repel mosquitoes isn’t technically false. Tiki torches may be effective in the immediate vicinity of the flame, as they work to ward off mosquitoes with the scent from the candle or oil. Also, they only work when they are lit. Oh, and if it’s windy? Good luck.

Another issue is safety. With open flames, you have to be careful of your surroundings. Especially with children, this added layer of danger doesn’t seem worth it.

How does a mosquito misting system work?

A misting system is a permanent solution for your mosquito population. The “brain” of the system is a tankless machine or a 55-gallon barrel installed on the side of your house (usually near the A/C unit.)

mosquitomax tankless mosquito misting system on side of home

Then, we install a circuit of nozzles that run along your fence, the eaves of your house, and in the flowerbeds. Our customers say that their guests never notice the nozzles, but they definitely notice the lack of mosquitoes!

mosquito misting nozzle on black iron fence

Two or three times a day on a timer the nozzles mist out an organic chemical solution that creates a preventative barrier between you and the mosquitoes.

mosquito misting system in flowerbed to kill and repel mosquitoes

Repellent vs. Insecticide

Repellents simply confuse mosquitoes and hinder their ability to smell the carbon dioxide and lactic acids that attract them to you. A repellent spray, candle, or torch will help keep away mosquitoes but overall the results are unpredictable.

Insecticides kill on contact and repel them at the same time. Mosquito misting systems produce cumulative results to make sure you’re virtually bite-free.

Why mosquito control is important

Aside from being one of the most annoying creatures on planet earth, mosquitoes also carry many diseases, such as West Nile, Zika, and EEE.

Don’t waste your money on a maybe

The possibility of citronella tiki torches or candles may be a tempting quick solution, but don’t waste your money. Instead, invest in a system you know will get the job done. With a misting system, you’re paying for a long-term solution to keep mosquitoes out of your yard for good. Plus, you’re getting the results you’ve been looking for.

If you’re not ready to invest in a mosquito misting system, or want a boost for an upcoming event, we also offer affordable fogging treatments.

Enjoy your yard

Your sweet family deserves to bring in their groceries without being attacked by uninvited house guests. To be honest, repellent just isn’t enough. Don’t just aim for fewer bites, take care of the problem. Opt for a mosquito control solution that will keep away your mosquitoes for good.

We believe you to actually enjoy your yard. Spend time with your kiddos on the trampoline. Watching the sunset with wifey. Host a dinner party with your besties. Roll around in the grass with your puppers until the stars come out. We don’t judge. We just think you should be able to go outside without having to suit up with a layer of repellent from head to toe.

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Houston’s best mosquito misting system that controls the mosquito population around your home so your friends and family are protected all year long.

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